[Math] Find the generating function to determine the number of ways to choose k objects from n objects when the ith object appears at least n + i times

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsgenerating-functions

Find the generating function to determine the number of ways to choose k objects from n objects when the ith object appears at least n + i times for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

the generating function for picking k objects from n objects is $(1+x)^{n}$,but I'm not sure how to go from this to taking into account "the ith object appears at least n + i times"

I am a beginner to this so if you could explain your steps to help me understand why it is things happen, I'd appreciate it

Best Answer

The generating function to ensure that the $i^\text{th}$ object appears at least $n+i$ times is as follows: \begin{equation} g(x) = \underset{1^{\text{st}} \text{ object}}{\underbrace{(x^{n+1}+x^{n+2}+\ldots+x^k)}}\underset{2^{\text{nd}} \text{ object}}{\underbrace{(x^{n+2}+x^{n+3}+\ldots+x^k)}}\ldots\underset{n^{\text{th}} \text{ object}}{\underbrace{(x^{2n}+x^{2n+1}+\ldots+x^k)}}. \end{equation}

Here, the power of $x$ in the first term of the product represents the number of times the first object is picked. Since the first object appears at least $n+1$ times, the smallest power of $x$ in the first term is $n+1$. The maximum number of objects to be chosen is $k$, and hence, the maximum power is $k$. Similarly, we get the later terms. Finally, the number of ways to choose $k$ objects is the coefficient of $x^k$ in the generator function $g(x)$.

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