[Math] Find the Galois group of $x^3-5$ over $\mathbb{Q}$.


In this case, the roots of $x^3-5$ are $\{\sqrt[3]{5},\omega\sqrt[3]{5},\omega^2\sqrt[3]{5}\}.$ I think $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{5},\omega\sqrt[3]{5})$ is the splitting field of $x^3-5.$ Then, $[\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{5},\omega\sqrt[3]{5}):\mathbb{Q}]=3,$ I think the automorphisms are:
I'm not sure about what I have done. But how to determine the Galois group based on this? And how to determine the solvability of this polynomial?

Best Answer

We have the root $\sqrt[3] 5$. Now, factor $x^3-5$ using that root: $$x^3-5=x^3-\sqrt[3] 5 x^2+\sqrt[3] 5 x^2-\sqrt[3] 25 x+\sqrt[3] {25} x-5=(x-\sqrt[3] 5)(x^2+\sqrt[3] 5 x+\sqrt[3] {25})$$

Now, the other two roots must be from this quadratic and using the quadratic formula, we can see they are not in $\Bbb{Q}(\sqrt[3] 5)$. Thus, to split $x^3-5$ in $\Bbb{Q}$, we need a root of a cubic ($\sqrt[3] 5$ from $x^3-5$) and a root of a quadratic (whatever the root of $x^2+\sqrt[3] 5 x+\sqrt[3]{25}$ is). Thus, the degree of the splitting field is $3*2=6$ and this is also the order of the Galois group.

Since this is a cubic, the Galois group is a subgroup of $S_3$. Now, what subgroup of $S_3$ has an order of $6$? The answer to that question is the Galois group.

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