[Math] Find the formula for Sn

discrete mathematics

Find an explicit formula for $s_n$ if $s_0,s_1,s_2….$ is a sequence satisfying the given recurrence relation and initial conditions. I'm trying to figure out how to finish the formula.

$s_n = -8s_{n-1} – 15s_{n-2}, s_0=2, s_1=2$

What I did was

$x^2=-8x -15$
= $x^2+8x+15$

$s_0=c_1(-5)^0+c_2(-3)^0 = c_1+c_2$

$s_1=c_1(-5)^1+c_2(-3)^1 = (-5c_1)+(-3c_2)$

Best Answer

You have done all the hard work.


Just solve for the arbitrary constants $c_1,c_2$ from the two linear simultaneous equations

$c_1+c_2=s_0=2\ \ \ \ (1)$

$c_1(-5)+c_2(-3)=s_1=2\ \ \ \ (2)$

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