[Math] Find the flow of a vector field

ordinary differential equationsVector Fields

Question: Let $\mathbb{X}$ be the vector field given by $\mathbb{X}(x,y)=(x,y)$

Compute its flow $\Phi(x,y)$

Attempt: We have $\dot{x}(t)=x\therefore$$$\int_{x_0}^{x(t)}dx'=\int_{0}^{t}x(t')dt'$$

$$\left.x'\right|_{x_0}^{x(t)}=\left.\pm e^{t'}\right|_0^t$$

$$x(t)-x_0=\pm e^t-1$$

$$x(t)=\pm e^t+x_0-1$$

And something similar for $y$

Giving flow:

$\Phi(x,y)=(\pm e^t+x-1,\pm e^t+y-1)$

Is this right? Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated

Best Answer

Hint: vector field generates the system of differential equations:

$$ \dot{{\rm x}} = {\mathbb X}({\rm x}), $$ where ${\rm x} = (x,y)$. This system could be rewritten as

$$ \left \lbrace \begin{array}{ccc} \dot{x} &= x \\ \dot{y} &= y \end{array} \right . $$

Note on solving:

If you solve $\dot{x} = x $ by separation of variables, then you should obtain this

$$ \frac{d x}{dt} = x $$ $$ \frac{d x}{x} = dt $$ $$ \int\limits_{x_0}^{x(t^\ast)} \frac{d x}{x} = \int\limits_{0}^{t^\ast} dt $$ $$ \ln{\frac{x(t^\ast)}{x_0}} = t^\ast $$ $$ x(t^\ast) = x_0 \cdot e^{t^\ast} $$

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