[Math] Find the first few coefficients in the function represented as a power series


I'm missing something about finding the first few coefficients of a function represented as a power series. I can get the series correct, I just can't for the life of me figure out what to use to get the first few coefficients. I'm given that

$$f(x) =\frac 8{(1-6x)^2}$$

I'm able to find the radius of convergence as $R = 1/6$ and I end up with the $C_n$ as $6^{2n}$ and also $X^{2n}$ for $X^n$. I'm supposed to get the first five coefficients, which I have

$C_0 = 8$ for $(8\cdot6^{2\cdot0})$ (this one is correct)

$C_1 = 288$ for $(8\cdot6^{2\cdot1})$

$C_2 = 1728$ for $(8\cdot6^{2\cdot2})$

$C_3 = 373248$ for$(8\cdot6^{2\cdot3})$

$C_4 = 13436928$ for$( 8\cdot6^{2\cdot4})$

$C_1$ to $C_4$ are all wrong. This is plugging in $n = 0$ through $n = 4$
directly into the Cn of the series. I also tried plugging into the original
function, which was also incorrect. Where are the additional coefficients found
if not by plugging in directly? I can't seem to find anything on that. X isn't a
part of my answer, so I can't do $8\cdot6^{2n}\cdot{x^{2n}}$ and have it submit
successfully. My math course uses a website called Webwork and it won't allow X
as a part of the answer.

Sorry for my poor formatting, I don't know how to format for math notation.

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

I think you have made an error in finding the general term.

The geometric series $\displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}8 \cdot 6^{2n} \cdot x^{2n}$ evaluates to $\dfrac{8}{1-(6x)^2}$ which is not $\dfrac{8}{(1-6x)^2}$.

Instead, start with the following well known series: $\dfrac{1}{1-y} = \displaystyle\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}y^n$.

Then, differentiate term by term to get another series $\dfrac{1}{(1-y)^2} = \displaystyle\sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}ny^{n-1} = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}(n+1)y^n$.

Finally, replace $y$ with something in terms of $x$ and multiply both sides by a constant to get a series for $\dfrac{8}{(1-6x)^2}$.