[Math] Find the differential equation of all circles of radius 1 and centers on $y=x$

implicit-differentiationordinary differential equations

Find the differential equation of all circles of radius 1 and centers on $y=x$, I've answered several problems with circles finding its equation but not like $y=x$ can someone please explain this to me step by step? By the way my textbook says the answer is $(y-x)^2[1+(y')^2=(1+y')^2$

Best Answer

then circles are given by $$(x-a)^2 + (y-a)^2 = 1, a \text{ arbitrary}. \tag 1 $$ differentiating $(1)$ with respect to $x,$ we have $$(x-a) +(y-a)y' = 0\tag 2 $$ solving $(2)$ for $a,$ we get $$a = \frac{x+yy'}{1+y'}, \quad x - a=\frac{(x-y)y'}{1+y'}, \quad y - a =\frac{y-x}{1+y'}\tag 3 $$

subbing $(3)$ in $(1)$ gives you $$(x-y)^2\left(y'^2+1\right) = (1+y')^2 $$