[Math] Find the coordinates of a polynomial relative to a given basis.

linear algebra

The set $B=\{−4−3x^2, −16−3x−12x^2, −35−9x−27x^2\}$ is a basis for $P_3$ (or $\Bbb R_3[x]$, if you wish.) Find the coordinates of $p(x)=−160−39x−123x^2$ relative to the basis $B$.

What I did to try to solve this problem was:

I let $x = 1$ making the set $B$ into a matrix:

Then I transposed it:

Then I made a matrix out of $p(x)$:

Then I multiplied the two matrices and received:

But this answer is wrong!
What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

You should inverse the matrix, not transpose it.

But it is more efficient to solve the linear system.

$$\begin{bmatrix}-4&0&-3\\-16&-3&-12\\-35&-9&-27\end{bmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}a\\b\\c\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}-160\\-39\\-123\end{pmatrix} $$

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