[Math] Find the Area of the Surface That Lies inside the Cylinder


Find the area of the surface. The part of the plane $5x+2y+z=10$ that lies inside the cylinder $x^2 + y^2 = 25$.

I know the double integral formula for finding surface area and how to find the partial derivatives that go into the formula. But how do I find the limits of integration? I'm stuck on finding the intersection of these two curves.

Best Answer

The surface can be parametrized as follows: $$ x=x,\quad y=y, \quad z=10-5x-2y\quad (x,y)\in D $$ with $$D=\{(x,y)\;|\; x^2+y^2\le 25 \} $$ It follows that the wanted area equals $$ A=\iint_D ||r_x\times r_y || \;dA =\iint_D \sqrt{5^2+2^2+1^1} \;dA =\sqrt{30}\;A(D)=\sqrt{30}\;\pi5^2 $$