[Math] Find the area of the shaded section on a square.


In the diagram,the curved paths are arcs of circles centered at vertices $A$ and $B$ of a square of side $6$. Find the area of the shaded section $BCD$.

I've been stuck on this problem for days. I have tried to get the shaded section by puzzling with the figures but failed. I've tried to add more lines to get a set of equations but that failed. But I still want to be able to solve it by myself so if you guys can give me only hints, that would be best.
enter image description here

Best Answer

Here is a hint with double integrals. Split the area in two:

enter image description here


\begin{align} S_{CBED}&= S_{CED}+S_{CBE} = \int_{x_1}^{x_2}\int_{f_2(x)}^{f_1(x)} dy dx + \int_{x_2}^{x_3}\int_{f_3(x)}^{f_1(x)} dy dx \end{align} where

\begin{align} f_1(x)&=\sqrt{6^2-(x-6)^2}, \\ f_2(x)&=6-\sqrt{6^2-(x-6)^2}, \\ f_3(x)&=x, \\ x_1&=6-3\sqrt{3}, \\ x_2&=6-3\sqrt{2}, \\ x_3&=6. \end{align}

$S_{CBED}=\tfrac{15}{2}\pi-9\sqrt{3}\approx 7.97348763$.

Another way to split the area:

enter image description here

suggests a geometric solution as a sum of the sector $BCD$ and a difference between the sector $ABD$ and $\triangle ABD$.

$\triangle ABD$ is equilateral (why?), so

\begin{align} S_1&=\tfrac12 \cdot 36(\tfrac\pi3-\tfrac\pi4)=\tfrac32 \pi \\ S_2&=\tfrac12 \cdot 36\tfrac\pi3=6\pi \\ S_3&=9\sqrt3 \end{align}

And the answer is $\tfrac{15}2\pi-9\sqrt3$, as above.