[Math] Find the area of the region that lies inside the first curve and outside the second curve. $r = 10 \cos\theta,\ r = 5$

areacalculuscirclesintegrationpolar coordinates

I am not sure of my answer. In the figure, $r=10 \cos\theta$ is a circle that doesn't look like a circle.

The area of $r=5$ is $\pi r^2 = 25 \pi$.

You remove the area from $-\pi/3$ to $\pi/3$ of $10 \cos\theta$ from $25\pi$.
That is remove $$\frac 12 \int (10 \cos\theta)^2\,d\theta = 74.0105$$

Required area = $25 \pi – 74.0105 = 4.5293$

Best Answer

The area you want is the red-only region on the right.

enter image description here

We quickly get the expression

$$\begin{align} Area &= \frac 12\int_{-\pi/3}^{\pi/3}[(10\cos\theta)^2-5^2]\,d\theta \\[2 ex] \end{align}$$

I'm sure you can finish from here. This can also be done by simple geometry, which I recommend you do as a check.