[Math] Find the area of the region enclosed by the curves


I am having some difficulty with this problem:

Find the area of the region enclosed by the curves.

So, the intersecting points I found were $-6$ and $2$.

$$\int\limits_{-6}^2 \frac{\sqrt{12 – y^2}}{4} dy – \int\limits_{-6}^2 y dy$$

I'm not sure how to solve this, any help please.

Best Answer

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In this case it is more convenient to consider

\begin{align} f_1(y)&=3-\tfrac14\,y^2 ,\\ f_2(y)&=y . \end{align}

\begin{align} S&= \int_{-6}^2\!\int_y^{3-\tfrac14\,y^2}\!dx\,dy = \left. 3y-\tfrac1{12}y^3-\tfrac12 y^2\right|_{-6}^2 =\tfrac{64}3 . \end{align}

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