[Math] Find the area of the region bounded by $y = 1$, $y = -1$, $x = y^2-2$, $x = e^y$


This is problem #3 in section 6.1. of the current edition of Stewart's calculus text.

So it's been a while since I've done Calc. II material. I am tempted to try double integrals with this question, but of course, double integrals are not covered in Calc. II.

Here is my proposed solution:

$$\int\limits_{-1}^{1}\int\limits_{y^2-2}^{\exp(y)}\text{ d}x\text{ d}y = \int\limits_{-1}^{1}\left(e^{y}-y^{2}+2\right)\text{ d}y = \left.e^{y}-\dfrac{y^3}{3}+2y\right|^{y=1}_{y=-1} = e-\dfrac{1}{3}+2-e^{-1}-\dfrac{1}{3}+2=e-e^{-1}+4-\dfrac{2}{3} \approx 5.684\text{.}$$

According to Stewart, this answer is correct. I however, do not have the detailed solutions manual. Is there a way to do this problem WITHOUT double integration, in case I were to teach this to someone in Calc. II?

Best Answer

Sure there is. I think the possible confusion might come from thinking that the functions are defined in terms of what we usually use as the dependant variable.

Since we are calculating the area it doesn't matter if we do any rotation to them. How about considering the area defined by:

$x \in [-1,1]$ and bounded by the curves $f_1(x) = x^2 -2$ and $f_2(x) = e^x$ Then, since $f_2 > f_1$ in the given interval, the area would be:

$$\int_{-1}^{1} e^x dx - \int_{-1}^{1}( x^2 -2 )dx$$

EDIT: Corrected a couple of typos.

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