[Math] Find the area of a shaded region


I'm trying to teach myself some elements of calculus in preparation for my class next semester, but I'm not sure how to work this problem. I've always had trouble dealing with areas inside of shapes. Can anyone show me the steps to work through this sample problem I found?

Find the area of the shaded region
r = 1 + sin(Θ)

Find the area of the shaded region

Best Answer

Here's a start.

Your integral goes from $r=0 \to 1+\sin\theta$ and $\theta = \pi/2 \to \pi.$

$$A = \int_{\pi/2}^{\pi} \int_0^{1+\sin\theta} r\;dr\;d\theta \\ = \frac12 \int_{\pi/2}^{\pi}(1+2\sin\theta + \sin^2 \theta) d\theta.$$

Can you take it from there?

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