[Math] Find the angle between the 2 points (50.573,-210.265) and (117.833,-80.550)


I am attempting to find the angle between the 2 points (50.573,-210.265) and (117.833,-80.550).

Is my calculation correct because a program is giving me a different answer? It says the angle is 27'24'27.27 DMS

dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
angle = Atan2(dy,dx) * 180 / PI;
angle = 62.59242

My result is 62.59242 degrees but the program says its 27'24'27.27 DMS. Which is correct?

Also if the points were 3d would that affect the angle? Or does the z axis not impact on the horizontal angle?

Best Answer

I agree with your calculation. It appears they are defining it with the arguments switched. The fact that you answer is $90-$theirs supports this. Note that there is no angle between two points. What you have is the angle between the line through those points and the $x$ axis.