[Math] Find that $8^{103} \bmod(13)$ using Fermat’s Little Theorem

abstract-algebraelementary-number-theorynumber theory


Find $8^{103} \pmod{13}$

We have that $p=13$ , $n=8$ , $m=103$
We know (from Fermat’s Little Theorem) that when n is not divided with p,we take that:
$$a^{p-1}=1 \pmod p$$

So,we have that $$8^{12}=1\pmod{13}$$

We have also that $103=8\cdot12+7$.

So, $$8^{103}=(8^{12})^8 \cdot 8^7=8^7\pmod {13}$$
$8^{12}=1 \pmod{13}$

From now and then i can't understand how we continue the exercise:

&= (-5)^7\bmod13 \\
&= 5^6\cdot(-5)\bmod13 \\
&= 25^3\cdot(-5)\bmod13 \\
&= (-1)^3\cdot(-5)\pmod{13} \\
& =5\bmod(13)

Can anyone explain me how we we end up with this result?My problem is that i can't understand how to proceed after $8^7\bmod(13)$

I would really appreciate a thorough explanation, since I've just started working on these type of problems using Fermat’s Little Theorem and I have to clear my mind on them.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I would have gone for the $2$'s:

$$8^{103} = 2^{309} \equiv 2^9 \equiv 16\cdot 16 \cdot 2 \equiv 3\cdot 3\cdot2 \equiv 18 \equiv 5 \pmod{13},$$

still using Fermat's Little Theorem.