[Math] Find percentage between 2 numbers that are between 0 and 1


Say I have a timeline beginning at 0 and ending at 1. I have several points along the timeline and I want to lerp between them over time. e.g. pt1 to pt2, pt2 to pt3, pt3 to pt1. Once the value reachs 1, loop back to 0. But, the percentage from 1 back to 0 must be maintained.

So think of variable t as the current time on a clock between 0 and 1 and a and b are points on the timeline.


a = 0.33
b = 0.5
t = 0.42

Finding what percentage t is between a and b?

"given number x in range between a and b, percentage = x - a  /  b - a."
0.42 is 53% between 0.33 and 0.5

Once t == b, the lerp between the two numbers should be 100%. Once this happens, a becomes 0.5, b becomes 0.33, and t continues as it was.

a = 0.5
b = 0.33
t = 0.72

The formula would not work the same because once it loops back passed 1 and becomes something like 0.3, it breaks. The distance between a and b is 0.83((1 - 0.5) + 0.33), so 0.3 should be somewhere like 80-90%. How would I find this?

Best Answer

$$ \frac{t-a}{(1+b)-a}$$ The $1+b$ allows the wrap around.

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