[Math] Find order of group given by generators and relations


Let $G$ be the group defined by these relations on the generators $a$ and $b$: $\langle a, b; a^5, b^4, ab=ba^{-1}\rangle$. I need hints how to find order of $G$.

Best Answer

Since $G$ is generated by $a,b$, the general element is of the form $$\tag1a^{n_1}b^{m_1}a^{n_2}b^{m_2}\cdots a^{n_k}b^{m_k}$$ with $n_i, m_i\in\mathbb Z$. However, $a^5=1$ implies that we can restrict to $0\le n_i\le 4$ and $b^4=1$ implies that we can restrict to $0\le m_i\le 3$. The last relation (rewritten as $ab=ba^3$ by our wish to have $0\le n_i\le 4$) shows that we can "pull" all $b$s to the left of all $a$s, but also the other way: $$\tag 2a^2b=ba^6=ba$$ allows us to pull $a$s to the left instead.

Now among all representations of an element $g\in G$ we may pick one that minimizes $k$ in $(1)$. Use the relation $(2)$ to arrive at a contradiction against the minimality of $k$ if $k>1$.

So far we have shown that $|G|\le 20$. You could in principle write down a multiplication table for these twenty elements $a^nb^m$. Alternatively, exhibit a well-known group of order $20$ that has generators obeying the given relations. To the latter end, we may want to rewrite $ab=ba^{-1}$ as $b^{-1}ab=a^{-1}$. That is: The cyclic group generated by $b$ (which we expect to be isomorphic to $\mathbb Z/4\mathbb Z$) acts on the cyclic group generated by $a$ (which we expect to be isomorphic to $\mathbb Z/4\mathbb Z$) by conjugation. This makes $\langle a\rangle$ a normal subgroup of $G$. Moreover, the action by the generator $b$ is "take the inverse" (indeed an automorphism of $\mathbb Z/5\mathbb Z$ of order dividing $4$). Thus we identify $G$ as semidirect product $\mathbb Z/5\mathbb Z\rtimes\mathbb Z/4\mathbb Z$.