[Math] Find numbers with a given number of divisors.


There was a final school exam in Russia recently, "Unified State Exam", that has the following problem in it's most complex chapter, "C":

C6: Find all numbers that end with "$0$" (decimal notation, of course) and have exactly fifteen natural divisors including "$1$" and the number itself.

What could be the solution that involves only school math?

Best Answer

We sort of need the link between prime factorization and the number of positive divisors. If $n$ has the prime factorization $p_1^{a_1}\cdots p_k^{a_k}$ then the number of positive factors of $n$ is $\prod (a_i+1)$. In particular the number of divisors is odd iff $n$ is a perfect square.

The fact that the number of divisors is odd iff our number is a perfect square can also be done in a formula-free way by a pairing argument. Any divisor $d$ of $n$ can be paired with the divisor $n/d$, which is different from $d$ unless $d=\sqrt{n}$.

Since $n$ ends in $0$ it has $2$ and $5$ and possibly others as prime factors. But $15$ gives very few possibilities: just two $2$'s and four $5$'s, or the other way around.

Remark: High school level? Hard to decide. Certainly every high school student who takes contests seriously is familiar with these facts. And, at least in the fairly recent past, Russian high school students took contests very seriously.