[Math] find number of solution for given equation


suppose we we have following equations and conditions
Let $k$ be the number of real solutions of the equation
$e^x+x-2=0$ in the interval $[0, 1]$ and and let $n$ be the number of real solutions that are not in $[0,1]$ Which of the following is true?

$k=0$ and $n=1$

$k=1$ and $n=0$




first of all what i have tried is this:if we differentiate we get following thing
but how it is possible?,using wolfram alpha i got this result


but how to prove it using mathematical procedure?have to i use newtons method for compute actual root or there is some specific theorem which helps me to determine it more easily?

Best Answer

Okay, I am moving my comment as an answer:

Use derivative test to see if the function is increasing or decreasing. A strictly increasing/ decreasing function must be injective, so it can have at most one zero. Note that the function $e^x + x - 2$ takes both positive and negative values by evaluating at 0 and 1. What can you conclude by the intermediate value theorem?

Also, you should not try to find extremum points to solve this question, for the zeroes of $e^x + x -2$ need not be extremum points.

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