Calculus – Find lim (x -> 0) of (tan(tan x) – sin(sin x)) / (tan x – sin x)


Find $$\lim_{x\to 0} \dfrac{\tan(\tan x) – \sin (\sin x)}{ \tan x – \sin x}$$

$$= \lim_{x \to 0} \dfrac{\frac{\tan x \tan (\tan x)}{\tan x}- \frac{\sin x \sin (\sin x)}{\sin x}}{ \tan x – \sin x} = \lim_{x \to 0} \dfrac{\tan x – \sin x}{\tan x – \sin x} = 1$$

But the correct answer is $2$. Where am I wrong$?$

Best Answer

This is a nice case for composition of Taylor series. Using $$\tan(x)=x+\frac{x^3}{3}+\frac{2 x^5}{15}+O\left(x^7\right)$$ $$\sin(x)=x-\frac{x^3}{6}+\frac{x^5}{120}+O\left(x^7\right)$$ $$\tan(\tan(x))=x+\frac{2 x^3}{3}+\frac{3 x^5}{5}+O\left(x^7\right)$$ $$\sin(\sin(x))=x-\frac{x^3}{3}+\frac{x^5}{10}+O\left(x^7\right)$$ then $$\frac{\tan(\tan( x)) - \sin (\sin( x)}{ \tan (x) - \sin (x)}=\frac {x^3+\frac{x^5}{2}+O\left(x^7\right) } {\frac{x^3}{2}+\frac{x^5}{8}+O\left(x^7\right) }=2+\frac{x^2}{2}+O\left(x^4\right)$$ which shows the limit and also how it is approached.

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