[Math] Find angle between complex vectors

anglecomplex numbersvectors

I need to work out the angle $\theta$ between these two complex vectors:


I understand I must utilize the following formula:

$$||u|| ||v|| cos(\theta)=\Re(<u,v>)$$

I am unsure how to calculate the modulus $||u||$ of a complex vector though.

Is it:

$$\sqrt{||u_1||^2 + ||u_2||^2} = \sqrt{7}$$

Or something else?

Best Answer

In general, the angle $\theta$ between two complex vectors $u$ and $v$ (itself possibly complex) is given by $$ \theta = \cos^{-1}\frac{u\cdot{v^H}}{\left\lVert{u}\right\rVert\left\lVert{v}\right\rVert} $$ For the example above, $v^H$ = $(2+3i,4-i)$ and $u\cdot{v^H}$ = $6 - i$. The norm of a complex vector $u = \{u_1, u_2, \dots, u_n\}$ is given by $$ \left\lVert{u}\right\rVert = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n\ u_iu_i^*} = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n\ \left|u_i\right|^2} $$ This, of course, reduces to the standard (Euclidean) norm for real vectors. We see for $u$ and $v$ above the norms are $\left\lVert{u}\right\rVert = \sqrt{7}$ and $\left\lVert{v}\right\rVert = \sqrt{30}$ respectively, yielding a value for the angle between the vectors of $$ \theta = \cos^{-1}\frac{6-i}{\sqrt{210}} \approx 1.14521 + 0.0756928i $$

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