[Math] find all vectors orthogonal to both:

linear algebra

Find all vectors v = (x, y, z) orthogonal to both

$u_1$ = (2, -1, 3)
$u_2$ = (0, 0, 0)

I'm not sure how to get to the answer of s(1, 2, 0) + t(0, 3, 1). I know how to find a vector orthogonal to just 1, getting confused with the both part.

Best Answer

What vectors are perpendicular to the zero vector? By definition al vectors z whose scalar product with the zero vector equals zero:

How do you chose $a,b,c$ s.t. $0a+0b+0c=0$?

Right, you can chose what you want!

So the question reads: find all vectors orthogonal to $(2,-1,3)$.

Does that help you? :)