[Math] Find all planes which are tangent to a surface


I'm given the surface $z=1-x^2-y^2$ and must find all planes tangent to the surface and contain the line passing through the points $(1, 0, 2)$ and $(0, 2, 2).$ I know how to calculate tangent planes to the surface given one point, but how would I do so given two points? Any push in the right direction would be appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

Compute the plane by the three points $(x,y,z)$, $(1,0,2)$, $(0,2,2)$ and check that it is tangent to the surface at $(x,y,z)$.

The normal vector to the plane is given by $N_p=(x-1,y-0,z-2)\times(1-0,0-2,2-2)$.

The normal vector to the surface is given by $N_s=(2x,2y,1)$.

These two vectors are parallel, $N_p\times N_s=0$.

$$-x^2+4xy+y^2-4y-1=0,\\ 2+2y^2+4x-2xy-2x^2=0,\\ -y(4x^2+4y^2+4)+2x(x^2+y^2+1)=0.$$

Cancelling the third component gives $x=2y$, then the first reduces to $(y-1)(5y+1)=0$, and the second to $-2(y-1)(5y+1)$.

Solutions: $(2,1,-4)$ and $(-\frac25,-\frac15,\frac45)$.