[Math] Find all normal subgroups of the following


a) $\mathbb{Z}$

b) $\mathbb{Z}$/60$\mathbb{Z}$

c) $U(24)$ i.e. the multiplicative group of $\mathbb{Z}$/24$\mathbb{Z}$

d) Quaternion group

e) $S_3$.

For a) I think it is all subgroups of the form $n\mathbb{Z}$ since $\mathbb{Z}$ is abelian and also since $\mathbb{Z}$/60$\mathbb{Z}$ is abelian there would be as many normal subgroups as there are subgroups.
However, I'm wondering if there is a method to quickly pinpoint the normal subgroups for the other groups like we can for finding subgroups for finite groups. How can I find all normal subgroups efficiently?

Best Answer

In general there is no quick way to determine all the normal subgroups. Especially when the groups $G$ get larger you better use a tool like $GAP$, see here. You can always start with the usual suspects: the center of the group $Z(G)$, the commutator subgroup $G'$, etc.. For instance, in the case of $G=Q_8=\{±1,±i,±j,±k\}$, the center equals the commutator subgroup equals $\{-1,1\}$. And if $\{1\} \lneq N \lhd Q_8$, then $|G/N| \leq 4$, hence $G/N$ is abelian and $G' \subseteq N$. This limits your search by hand.