[Math] Find all non-isomorphic complete bipartite graphs with at most 7 vertices

graph theory

I have just started taking graph theory at my college. Here is what I know. I understand non-isomorphic graphs and complete bipartite graphs. I am confused on this question. Is it asking for me to list all non-isomorphic complete bipartite graphs from two vertices all the way to 7 vertices? I am also lost on how I would start this. Drawing them all out? Is there an easier way to do this? My text book only gave me the definition of a bipartite graph with no examples and is now asking me to do this.

Any help would be awesome!

Best Answer

Let $A$ and $B$ be the partition sets of the graph $G$ with at most $7$ vertices. If $G$ is complete bipartite graph, for every different unordered partition set pairs $\{A,B\}$, there is only one option for $G$, up to isomorphism. So the question asks you to find in how many ways you can partition $n$ vertices into two sets $A$ and $B$, where $n \le 7$ and $|A| \ge 0$, $|B| \ge 0$ and $|A|+|B|=n$. So it is:

  • $0+0$

  • $0+1$

  • $0+2$

  • $1+1$

  • $0+3$

  • $1+2$

  • $0+4$

  • $1+3$

  • $2+2$

  • $0+5$

  • $1+4$

  • $2+3$

  • $0+6$

  • $1+5$

  • $2+4$

  • $3+3$

  • $0+7$

  • $1+6$

  • $2+5$

  • $3+4$

Therefore in total, we have $20$ different graphs satisfying given conditions, up to isomorphism (My later edit is a result of the information given here: Are the graphs with no vertex and 1 vertex bipartite?).

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