[Math] Find all congruence solutions using Hensel’s Lemma

congruenceselementary-number-theorynumber theory

I have to find all the solutions to the congruence $x^2 = -6(\text{mod}\, 625)$ using Hensel's lemma and I find it quite difficult. If anyone could point me to the solution I'll be grateful, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

My first post here, so please excuse me if I'm not doing this right.

In response to Stefan4024's post above, $5^4 = 625$. You erroneously wrote $5^3 = 625.$

To solve the problem, you only need to lift twice.

After finding $x = \pm 2 ~(\text{mod } 5)$ or $x = 2, 3$ to be the solutions of $f(x) = 0 ~(\text{mod }5)$, the solutions can be lifted $(\text{mod }5^2)$ or $(\text{mod }25).$

After that, just a single lift to (mod $5^4$) or (mod $625$) is required. This is because one can lift a solution (mod $p^k$) to (mod $p^{m+k}$) as long as m is less than or equal to $k$. In the first lift (from $5$ to $25$), $m = k = 1$, and in the second lift (from $25$ to $625$), $m = k = 2$.

Doing this for both solutions $x = 2$ and $x = 3 ~(\text{mod }5)$ gives the respective solution sets for $f(x) = 0 ~(\text{mod }625)$ as :

$$x = 162 + 625n$$


$$x = 463 + 625n$$

where $n$ can take any integer value.

The solutions can be expressed more compactly as:

$$x = 162 \text{ or } 463 ~~(\text{mod }625)$$