[Math] Find a random process that is wide-sense stationary (WSS) but not strict-sense stationary etc.

probability theorystochastic-processes

Im studying old exams and came across this one


a. Find a (discrete time or continuous time) random process that is wide-sense
stationary (WSS) but not strict-sense stationary.

b. Also, is it possible for a strict-sense
stationary random process not to be wide-sense stationary?


a. A sequence of uncorrelated random variables with common expected values
and common variances constitute a WSS discrete time process, but is not strict-sense stationary if the random variables are not identically distributed.

b. A seqeunce of independent identically distributed random variables with infinite variances constitute a strict-sense stationary discrete time process that is not WSS.

a. Can anyone give a simple example of such a process?

b. Our course litterature says WSS processes are always strict-sense stationary?!?

Best Answer

a. Let $X\sim U(0,2\pi)$ and $Z_n=\sin(nX)$. Then $\{Z_n : n\in \mathbb{N}\}$ is weakly stationary, but not strictly stationary.

b. Strictly stationary $L^2$-process (finite second moments) is always weakly stationary.

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