[Math] Find a point on a plane so that the position vector of R is perpendicular to the plane.

linear algebra

3 points: $A = (3,4,8), B=(1,1,2)$ and $C=(-1,7,5)$ which are contained in the plane $\Pi$.

I am trying to find a point R on the plane so that the position vector of R $\vec{(OR)}$ is perpendicular to $\Pi$.

I have the cartesian for $\Pi$ which is $27x+18x-18z=9$ the normal n being $(27,18,-18)$. I am stuck on what to do next?

I am thinking of doing something like $\vec{OR}\cdot$ n $=0$. But I am not sure.

Best Answer

The normal is of the form $<x,y,z>=t<3,2,-2>$ So $x=3t,y=2t,z=-2t$ Substitute in the plane equation to find t to be $1/17$ Plug this t value in my equation above to find the point on te plane