[Math] Find a point on a parabola that’s closest to another point.


Find the point on the parabola $3x^2+4x-8$ that is closest to the point $(-2,-3)$.

My plan for this problem was to use the distance formula and then that the derivative to get my answer. I'm having a little trouble along the way.

$$ d = \sqrt{(x_1-x_2)^2+(y_1-y_2)^2}.$$

Best Answer

$$ d = \sqrt{(x - (-2))^2 + ((3x^2+4x-8) - (-3))^2} = \sqrt{\left(x+2\right) ^2 + \left(3x^2+4x-5 \right)^2}$$

Instead of minimizing $d$, lets minimize $d^2$. It should be noted that the minimum of $d$ and $d^2$ are exactly the same as $d \geq 0$. This gets rid of the square root, thereby simplifying the problem.

$$d^2 = (x+2)^2 + (3x^2+4x-5)^2.$$

Now, we can use calculus to minimize $d^2$,

$$(d^2)' = 2(x+2) + 2(3x^2+4x-5)(6x+4) = 36x^3 + 72x^2 - 26x - 36$$

This has roots at $x \approx -2.118, -.631, .749$. We know that one of these must be the absolute minimum, so evaluate $d^2$ for each $x$-value and whichever is smallest is the $x$-value of the point on the parabola nearest to the given point. You should then plug that $x$-value into the equation for the parabola to determine the $y$-value where this occurs. I got,

Ans: $ (-2.118, -3.014) $