[Math] Find a non-zero vector that spans the intersection of the following two subspaces of R 4 :

linear algebra

V = span{(1,1,0,-1)^T, (0,1,3,1)^T} and W = span{(0,1,2,-1)^T,(1,2,2,-2)^T}

Don't quite know where to start. The coefficient matrix of V and W are inconsistent after gaussian elimination. Also inconsistent with a 4×4 of V and W. We haven't covered basis/dimension yet, or even intersection for that matter, so I assume this problem can be worked out using an algorithm to find constants. Any insight? Thanks.

Span of V:

$$ \left[
\right] $$

Row reduced to:
$$ \left[
\right] $$

So row 3 and 4 are inconsistent, and these vectors don't span R4.

Similar results for Span of W. Am I approaching this problem correctly?

Best Answer

Let $v \in V \cap W$. We then have $$v=a_1 v_1 + a_2 v_2 = b_1 w_1 + b_2 w_2$$ where $a_i, b_i \in \mathbb{R}$. Thus \begin{align*} 0&=a_1 v_1 + a_2 v_2 - b_1 w_1 - b_2 w_2 \\ &= (a_1, a_1, 0, -a_1)+ (0, a_2, 3a_2, a_2) - (0, b_1, 2b_1, -b_1)-(b_2, 2b_2, 2b_2, -2b_2) \\ &= (a_1-b_2, a_1+a_2-b_1-2b_2, 3a_2 -2b_1-2b_2, -a_1+a_2+b_1+2b_2). \end{align*} Thus we now must solve \begin{cases} a_1-b_2=0 \\ a_1+a_2-b_1-2b_2=0\\ 3a_2 -2b_1-2b_2 =0\\ -a_1+a_2+b_1+2b_2=0. \end{cases} According to Wolfram , this system has no solution has infinitely many solutions.

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