[Math] Find a matrix for the linear transformation of reflection about a $\theta$ line using the matrix for projection

linear algebralinear-transformationsmatricesreflection

Projection matrix:
\cos^2\theta & \cos\theta \sin\theta\\
\cos\theta \sin\theta & \sin^2\theta\\

Reflection matrix:
2\cos^2\theta -1 & 2\cos\theta sin\theta\\
2\cos\theta \sin\theta & 2\sin^2\theta -1\\

which is equivalent to
\cos2\theta & \sin2\theta\\
\sin2\theta & -\cos2\theta\\

I can arrive at the second form geometrically, but the problem asks that I do it with the projection matrix and vector addition. Any hints/tips?

It could also be that the problem is poorly worded, in which case a geometrical analysis is all that is necessary.

Find a formula for $R$ based on $P$. Explain your arguments by drawing a
graph, using the rules of sums of vectors.

I drew the graph and was able to successfully explain it in terms of sums of vectors.

Best Answer


use this fact: if $X$ is a point, $X'$ its projection on the axis and $X''$ the reflection of $X$, than $X'$ is the middle point of $XX''$.

so, if $P$ is the projection matrix and $R$ the reflection, we have:

$$ X'=PX \qquad X''=RX $$ and, we write the fact that $X'$ is the midpoint as: $$ X+X''=2X' $$


$$ X+RX=2PX \quad \Rightarrow \quad RX=2PX-X=(2P-I)X $$

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