[Math] Find 3rd side, given two sides and bearings


The bearing from A to B is N $42^\circ$ E. The bearing from B to C is S $44^\circ$ E. A small plane traveling $65$ miles per hour, takes $1$ hour to go from A to B and $2$ hours to go from B to C. Find the distance from A to C.

Best Answer

According to the US Army definition of bearing, which this question seems to be using by the format, the layout is as follows:

$\hspace{3.5cm}$enter image description here

Using the Law of Cosines, we get $$ \begin{align} \overline{AC}^2 &=\overline{AB}^2+\overline{BC}^2-2\overline{AB}\,\overline{BC}\cos(\angle ABC)\\ &=65^2+130^2-2\cdot65\cdot130\cos(86^\circ) \end{align} $$