[Math] Finately supported sequences are dense in $l^p$


I want to prove that the set of finitely supported sequences
$$s=\{(x_1,x_2,\dots):\exists N>0 \;st\; x_{n\geq N}=0\}$$
is dense in $l^p$,
$$l^p = \{ (x_1,x_2,\dots) : \;\;x_i\in\mathbb{K} \;and\; \sum_{i=1}^\infty |x_i|^p<\infty \}$$

I need to prove $\overline{s}=l^p$. Clearly $s\subset l^p$ and
$$\overline{s} = \{x\in l^p \;st\; d(x,s)=0 \}$$
So for $s_0\in\overline{s}$, $\exists x_n\in l^p$ st
$$\|x_n-s_0\|\to 0$$

Now here I am a stuck. Obviously this should imply that $\sum_{i=1}^\infty |s_{0_i}|^p<\infty$ but I do not have a definition of a norm to work with. So how can I arrive to this conclusion?

Best Answer

That is actually a bit simpler. It suffices to see that since $x \in l_p$ , $\sum |x_n|^p \leq \infty$. Therefore, this series converges, which implies that $ \forall \ \epsilon > 0$, there exists $N_0$ such that $\sum_{n\geq N} |x_n|^p < \epsilon $ for all $n \geq N_0$. Then let $S_N = (x_1,\cdots,x_N,0,\cdots)$, what we have just asserted garantees that $\|x-S_N\|<\epsilon$ $\forall \ N \geq N_0$.

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