[Math] Filling a 40 x 40 grid with 3×3 squares


I'm supposed to find out the minimum number of 3×3 squares that will completely fill up this 40×40 grid where overlapping squares is acceptable. Each 3×3 square also has to coincide with the grid lines.

My procedure to do a problem like this is to first divide 40 by 3 and I get 13.333 .

Then I say I have 13 by 13 (3×3) squares with one row and one column left over. I then fill the remaining empty space with 13 squares for a row, 13 squares for a column, and 1 extra square for the corner. This makes my answer to be 196 squares. Is this a correct solution and are there other better ways or a neat general formula to solve these type of problems?

Best Answer

Index the squares on the $40\times 40$ grid by a pair of integers $(x,y)$ with $1 \le x, y \le 40$. Let us call the square at $(x,y)$ as $S_{x,y}$. Consider following subset of squares on the grid:

$$\mathcal{S} = \big\{\; S_{x,y} : x \equiv 1 \pmod 3, y \equiv 1 \pmod 3\;\big\}$$

It is clear $\mathcal{S}$ contains $\lceil \frac{40}{3} \rceil \times \lceil \frac{40}{3} \rceil = 14 \times 14 = 196$ elements. Pick any two squares $S_{x_1, y_1}$, $S_{x_2,y_2}$ from $\mathcal{S}$, we have either

$$x_1 \ne x_2 \implies |x_1 - x_2 | \ge 3 \quad\text{ OR }\quad y_1 \ne y_2 \implies |y_1 - y_2 | \ge 3$$

This implies we cannot find a $3\times 3$ square that cover $S_{x_1,y_1}$ and $S_{x_2,y_2}$ at the same time.

If we cover the grid by some numbers of $3\times 3$ squares. The $3\times 3$ squares covering distinct elements from $\mathcal{S}$ are distinct. This implies we need at least $196$ $3\times 3$ squares to cover the whole grid.

It is clear how to cover the $40 \times 40$ grid by 196 copies of $3\times 3$ squares. So the desired answer is indeed $196$.

The basic idea is no different from a much simpler problem of covering a $3\times 3$ black and white chessboard having 5 whites squares and 4 black squares using $1 \times 2$ dominoes. Since each domino cover one white square and one black square. If the chessboard has 5 white squares, you need at least $5$ dominoes to cover it.

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