Abstract Algebra – Fields Ordered in Multiple Ways


Consider the field $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{5}]$. This can be made into an ordered field in two different ways:

  1. Via the usual order $<$ inherited from $\mathbb{R}$
  2. Or via the "alternative" order $\prec$ defined by
    $$r\prec s \iff \overline{r} < \overline{s} $$
    where $\overline{r}$ denotes the conjugate, i.e. $\overline{a+b\sqrt{5}}=a-b\sqrt{5}$.

More broadly, if $F$ is any field, $\sigma$ an automorphism of $F$, and $<$ an order on $F$, we can define another order $\prec$ by $a\prec b \iff \sigma(a) < \sigma(b)$. If $(F,<)$ satisfies the axioms for an ordered field, than so does $(F,\prec)$.

My question:

Is there an example of a field $F$ that can be made into an ordered field in two different ways, where one of the orders is not induced from the other one by an automorphism as described above?

In other words, I am looking for a field that can be made into an ordered field in two different ways that are "really different", i.e. not equivalent up to an automorphism of the underlying field $F$.

Best Answer

Consider $F=\mathbb{Q}(x)$. You can order this field in uncountably many different ways. For instance, for every transcendental $\alpha\in\mathbb{R}$, the isomorphism $F\to\mathbb{Q}(\alpha)\subset\mathbb{R}$ sending $x$ to $\alpha$ induces an ordering of $F$, and this ordering is different for each $\alpha$. Since $F$ has only countably many automorphisms (an automorphism is determined by where it sends $x$), these give uncountably many orderings that are not related by automorphisms.

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