[Math] Field extension of a finite field


Let $E$ be an extension field of a finite field $F$ , where $F$ has $q$ elements. Let $a \in E$ be algebraic over $F$ of degree $n$. Prove that $F(a)$ has $q^n$ elements.

I am not sure how to do this one, but furthermore, what does $a$ being algebraic over $F$ of degree $n$ mean? Does it mean the polynomial $a$ solves in $F$ is of degree $n$?

Best Answer

The statement "$a$ is algebraic over $F$ of degree $n$" means two things together:

  1. $a$ is the root of some polynomial in $F[x]$ (that is, the coefficients of the polynomial lie in $F$) that has degree $n$.
  2. Every other nonzero polynomial in $F[x]$ for which $a$ is a root has degree at least $n$.

In other words, the statement means that the minimal polynomial of $a$ over $F$ has degree $n$. For example, convince yourself that the following claims are true:

  • $\sqrt[4]{2}$ has degree $4$ over $\mathbb Q$.
  • $\sqrt[4]{2}$ has degree $2$ over $\mathbb Q(\sqrt{2})$.
  • $\sqrt[4]{2}$ has degree $1$ over $\mathbb Q(\sqrt[4]{2})$.

Here's a second characterization of degree, one which you'll find useful in solving your problem. If $a$ is algebraic over $F$ of degree $n$ then the set $\{1,a,a^2,\dots,a^{n-1}\}$ forms a basis for the vector space $F(a)$. In other words, we can think of $F(a)$ as being a vector space over $F$ and the dimension of the vector space is the degree of $a$. For vector spaces over finite fields, what is the relationship between dimension and cardinality?

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