Field Theory – Field Containing All Square Roots of Rational Numbers

algebraic-number-theoryfield-theoryirrational-numbersrational numbers

What is the smallest field which contains all square roots of positive rational numbers? I guess I mean “smallest” in terms of set inclusion, i.e. the minimal one with regard to the “$\subseteq$” relation. The smallest field I know about would be the real algebraic numbers, but I guess that by restricting the degree of minimal polynomials, a smaller field might be possible.

To express this as a formula, I'm looking for the field generated by the set
$$ S = \left\{\pm\sqrt x\;\middle\vert\;x\in\mathbb Q\right\} $$

If you know about a field smaller than the algebraic reals which contains $S$, I'd like to know its name and its structure. If you have an argument why the algebraic reals are the smallest field containing $S$, then I'd like to hear the argument or a reference to it.

Update: Answers below indicate that there is such a field containing $S$ and smaller than the real algebraic numbers. So the main issue is finding an established name for this, if there is one.

Best Answer

If you read this question then any $2$-maximal field $\mathbb M$ contains every square root. But such a field is not the real algebraic numbers since it contains no elements of order $3$ such as $\sqrt[3]{2}$. Of course such a field is probably larger than you want. Instead let $a_n$ be an enumeration of the positive integers (or positive primes) and let $L_0=\mathbb Q$, $L_i=L_{i-1}(\sqrt{a_i})$ then

$$L=\bigcup_{i=0}^\infty L_i$$ is your desired field. Notice that $[L_i:L_{i-1}]=1,2$. Every element of $L$ is necessarily has a power of $2$ since each for each finite $n$, we have that $L_n$ is a power of $2$ extension of $L$. We also have that $L$ is not $2$-maximal because $x^2+1$ does not split over it. Notice that $L$ is an abelian extension as well, since it is generated by its degree $2$ subfields which are necessarily abelian and contained in $\mathbb Q^{\mathrm{ab}}$. So its Galois group should be

$$\lim_{\overleftarrow{n \in \mathbb N}} \left(\mathbb Z_2\right)^n.$$ I've never been that good at inverse limits but I imagine that this is $\prod_{n \in \mathbb N} \mathbb Z_2$, if someone could confirm this I would appreciate it.