[Math] few real analysis true/false questions.


Which of the following statements are true and why?

  1. Any continuous function from the open unit interval $(0, 1)$ to itself has a fixed

  2. $\log x$ is uniformly continuous on $( 1/2,+\infty)$.

  3. If $A, B$ are closed subsets of $[0,\infty)\,$, then $A + B = \{x + y\; |\; x \in A,\, y \in B\}$
    is closed in $[0,\infty)$

  4. A bounded continuous function on $\mathbb{R}$ is uniformly continuous.

  5. Suppose $f_n(x)$ is a sequence of continuous functions on the closed interval $[0, 1]$
    converging to $0$ pointwise. Then the integral $\int_0^1f_n(x)\mathrm dx\,$ converges to $0$.

My thoughts:

  1. I am not sure asthe interval is not closed.
  2. It is true as it has bounded derivative.
  3. Usually, the sum of two closed set is not closed but is the case here?
  4. Not sure.
  5. Not sure.

Can anyone help me please to solve the problems? Thank you.

Best Answer

  1. $x^{2}$ is good too.
  2. You are right.
  3. Let $z_{n}\in A+B$ such that $z_{n}\rightarrow z$. So $z_{n}=a_{n}+b_{n}$ with $a_{n}\in A$ and $b_{n}\in B$. If $b_{n}$ or $a_{n}$ is unlimited we get the absurd (note that $z_{n}$ converges) of $a_{n}+b_{n}$ being unlimited, because $b_{n}\geq 0$ and $a_{n}\geq 0$. So $a_{n}$ and $b_{n}$ are limiteds and then you can extract subsequences that are convergents. Now you can conclude.
  4. Take the function $$x \mapsto \sin(x^2)$$ This function is continuous, limited, but not uniformly continuous. Can u see it?
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