[Math] Fatou’s Lemma Strengthened to Equality


I'm trying to use an example to show that Fatou's lemma can not be strengthened to equality. I was given a hint, which I'm not quite sure how to use. I was told that if I look at the one-dimensional case, and let $f_k(x)=\begin{cases}
k, &\quad\text{if } – \frac{1}{k} \leq x \leq \frac{1}{k}\\
0, &\quad\text{elsewhere} \
\end{cases}$ , then $\int f_kdm=\frac{2}{k}(k)=2, \forall k$, and $g_k(x) \to 0, \forall x$, except for $x=0$, for which $g_k \to \infty$. How can I use this to show that equality can not be achieved? I thought specific examples couldn't be used to prove general behaviors? Can someone please help?

Best Answer

You cannot use an specific example to show that a general statement is true. For this you need a "proof".

But you can use an specific example to show that a general statement is not true.

For instance, the example $f(x)=|x|$ shows that the statement "All continuous functions are differentiable" is not true. But the fact that $105=3\cdot5\cdot7$ does not prove that any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ can be decomposed into the product of primes.

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