[Math] Fastest prime generating algorithm

algorithmsprime numbers

What is the fastest known algorithm that generates all distinct prime numbers less than n?

Is it faster than Sieve of Atkin?

Best Answer

What is the fastest known algorithm that generates all prime numbers?

I assume you mean: Given $n$, what is the fastest known algorithm that generates all prime numbers $p \le n$ ? Currently it is the Sieve of Atkin.

And what is the fastest known algorithm that generates any infinite subset of the prime numbers?

Again, I assume you mean: Given $n$, how fast can I generate $n$ distinct primes? There might be a faster method than the Sieve of Atkin, but I don't know of any. A good question!

And is there a theoretical lowest possible O(n) of such programs?

Is $n$ the number of primes you want to generate? Then it would take $O(n)$ operations just to store them in memory. So yes. But if you want to generate all primes $p \le n$ , the Sieve of Atkin has time complexity $O(n/\log \log n)$ . So no.

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