[Math] Fast fourier transform and nyquist frequency

fourier analysisMATLABsamplingsignal processing

Trying to figure out how to use Matlab to calculate the nyquist frequency of a signal.

Given a function, lets say $y = 5\sin (2t + \pi /3) + \sin (t + \pi /2)$ for $t > 0$. How do we use a fft in matlab to get the nyquist frequency?

I've tried using the fft() function, but I'm a little confused at the results. The optional sampling number parameter is also confusing me a bit as the sampling rate is what I'm trying to find and playing with it seems to change the results of the plot. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

The Nyquist frequency is simply half the sampling frequency of a sampled signal. Since you didn't specify any sampling frequency, and you used $t$ as the time variable, which usually refers to continuous time, there is no way to answer your question. In general you don't need Matlab or the FFT, you just need to know (or choose) the sampling frequency, and you'll know the Nyquist rate right away.

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