[Math] Factoring polynomials of degree 6 in 2 ways.


Let $P(x)$ be an integer polynomial of degree $6$ that is irreducible over the integers.

$P(x) = x^6 + (A+a) x^5 + (B+ aA+ b) x^4 + (C+aB+bA +c) x^3 + (aC +bB +cA) x^2 + (bC+cB) x + cC = x^6 + (A'+a') x^5 + (B'+ a'A'+ b') x^4 + (C'+a'B'+b'A' +c') x^3 + (a'C' +b'B' +c'A') x^2 + (b'C'+c'B') x + c'C'$

Where $a,b,c,A,B,C,a',b',c',A',B',C'$ are algebraic integers of degree at most $2$.

Notice $P(x)=(x^3+ax^2+bx+c)(x^3+Ax^2+Bx+C))=(x^3+a'x^2+b'x+c')(x^3+A'x^2+B'x+C')$

I am of course intrested in two distinct factorizations of $P(x)$ so trivial solutions such as $a = a' , b = b' , c=c', …$ are not what I seek.

Do such $P(x)$ exist ? How many exist ?

Best Answer

Here's an attempt to put the problem in a somewhat broader setting, while avoiding Galois Theory.

Let $P$ be a polynomial with integer coefficients, irreducible over the rationals.

Let $P=pq=rs$ where $p,q$ have coefficients in $K$ and are irreducible over $K$, $r,s$ have coefficients in $L$ and are irreducible over $L$, and $K\ne L$.

Renaming the polynomials, if necessary, we may assume there exist $\alpha,\beta$ such that $p(\alpha)=r(\alpha)=0$, $p(\beta)=0\ne r(\beta)$. Then there are polynomials $a,b$ with coefficients in the field $M$ generated by $K$ and $L$ such that $ap+br=0$, with the degree of $a$ less than that of $r$, and the degree of $b$ less than that of $p$. Now if you evaluate at $\beta$ you get $b(\beta)=0$ which gives you further information on the degree of $b$. I think in the setting of the original question, this is enough to prove impossibility; I think that in general, it's enough to give strong conditions on what degeres are possible.

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