[Math] Factorial canceling on expansion of binomial coefficients on Concrete Mathematics

binomial-coefficientsdiscrete mathematicsfactoriallimits

On Concrete Mathematics section 5.5, which is teaching the hypergeometric functions, generalized factorials is defined as:

\frac 1 {z!} = \lim_{n \to \infty} \binom{n+z}{n}n^{-z}


\binom r k =
r^{\underline k} / k! = r(r-1) \cdots (r-k+1) / k! & k > 0 \\
1 & k = 0 \\
0 & k < 0

follows the ordinary definition.

So $z! = z(z-1)!$ for all complex $z$ (except negative integers), then we can check $0! = 1$ and $n! = n(n-1) \cdots 1$ for $n > 0$.

Then, a binomial coefficient can be written

\binom z w = \lim_{\zeta \to z} \lim_{\omega \to w} \frac{\zeta!}{\omega!(\zeta-\omega)!}

Let $t_k = \dbinom r k \dbinom s {n-k}$.

However, the succeeding paragraph says that

\[ t_k = \frac{r!}{(r-k)!k!} \frac{s!}{(s-n+k)!(n-k)!}\]
and we are no longer too shy to use generalized factorials in these expressions.

without limits (it is said that we must use appropriate limiting values when these formulas give $\infty / \infty$) and considers the ratio $t_{k+1} / t_k$ for all $t_k \neq 0$ and cancels some factorials using the property $z! = z(z-1)!$

I'm "too shy" and my question remains: why can we do such canceling?

To observe closely, we take a variety of an example from section 5.7:

Considering indefinite summation
\sum \binom n {-k} \delta k, \qquad n < 0

Let $t(k) = \dbinom n {-k} = \dfrac{n!}{(-k)!(n+k)!}$, we have
\frac{t(k+1)}{t(k)} = \frac{n!}{(-k-1)!(n+k+1)!} \frac{(-k)!(n+k)!}{n!} = -\frac{k}{n+k+1}

Let $n = -1$, we have $t(k+1) / t(k) = -1$ for $t(k) \neq 0$. But it's wrong for $k = 0$, where $t(1) = 0$ and $t(0) = 1$.

To see how the error happens, we resume the $\lim$ notation:

&= \binom n {-k-1} \\
&= \lim_{z_2 \to 0} \lim_{z_1 \to 0} \frac{(n+z_2)!}{(-k-1+z_1)!(n+k+1-z_1+z_2)!} \\
&= \lim_{z_2 \to 0} \lim_{z_1 \to 0} \frac{-k+z_1}{n+k+1-z_1+z_2} \frac{(n+z_2)!}{(-k+z_1)!(n+k-z_1+z_2)!} \\
&= \binom n {-k} \lim_{z_2 \to 0} \lim_{z_1 \to 0} \frac{-k+z_1}{n+k+1-z_1+z_2}
So when $n = -1$ and $k = 0$, we have $\lim_{z_2 \to 0} \lim_{z_1 \to 0} (-k+z_1)/(n+k+1-z_1+z_2) = 0$ not $-k/(n+k+1)$.

Another example (also from section 5.5) is:

\lim_{x \to -1} \frac{x!}{(x-1)!} = \lim_{x \to -1} x = -1
\lim_{x \to -1} \frac{x!}{(2x)!} = -2
because of $(-z)! \Gamma(z) = \pi / \sin(z\pi)$, so expression $(-2)! / (-1)!$ is illegal.

My question is: in the frame of Concrete Mathematics, how to prevent such errors?

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

If the factorials in the limit expression differ by an integer, then cancel away.

But if the difference only becomes an integer in the limit, then you obviously cannot cancel before taking the limit, so you are not allowed to cancel at all.

The difference between $x$ and $2x$ is $x$ which is not an integer until the limit of $-1$ is reached.

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