[Math] f is an entire function, show that it is a constant function using Liouville theorem


let f be an entire function such that $|f(z) + e^z| > |e^zf(z)|$ for all z in C.
Show that f is a constant function.

Suggestion is to use Liouville's theorem then show that f is actually the constant zero function. But don't even know how to start? I'm sure I need to form a g(z) but not sure what my g should be.

Best Answer

$g(z) = (e^zf(z))/(f(z) + e^z)$ and we know $|g(z)| < 1$, entire and bounded implies constant. From it try to deduce this constant is 0 and which will imply in eventuality that $f(z) \equiv 0$.

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