[Math] f.g. normal subgroup of finite index in abelian groups


Let $G$ be an abelian group.
Suppose $G$ has a (normal) subgroup $N$ which is f.g. torsion-free abelian such that $G/N$ is finite.
In light of the fundamental theorem for f.g. abelian groups I ask if $G\cong N\oplus F$,
for a finite subgroup $F$ of $G$.
This is certainly the case if $0\to N\to G\to G/N\to 0$ splits.

My impression is that an abelian group which is a finite extension of a f.g. abelian group, has a structure not far from the structure of the normal subgroup – only torsion will change (that is, the torsion-free rank won't change).

Thank you.

Best Answer

Since $N$ is finitely generated and of finite index, $G$ itself is finitely generated (by generators of $N$, moved by the finitely many coset representatives), so $G\cong \mathbb{Z}^r\oplus \Delta$, for a finite group $\Delta$. Since $G/N$ is finite, $N$ has maximal rank $r$, which answers your question affirmatively.

But be careful: it is not true that there is necessarily a subgroup $F$ such that $G=N\oplus F$. A simple counterexample is given by $2\mathbb{Z}\subset \mathbb{Z}$. The quotient is cyclic of order $2$ but the subgroup if not complemented, i.e. the short exact sequence does not split. Of course, $\mathbb{Z}$ is still isomorphic to $2\mathbb{Z}\oplus\{1\}$.