[Math] Extremize the functional $J[y]=\int\limits_1^2 (y’^{2}+2yy’+y^2)dx$


If $$J[y]=\int\limits_1^2 (y'^{2}+2yy'+y^2)dx, \ \ \ \ \ y(1)=1$$ and $y(2)$ is arbitrary. Find the extremal.

First I solve the Euler-Lagrange equation $F_y-\frac{d}{dx}F_{y'}=0$. Which gives $y=c_1e^x+c_2e^{-x}$ ($c_1,c_2$ are arbitrary constants). Next using the condition $y(1)=1$ and $y(2)=A$. I get the following system


From this I get $c_2=\frac{e^2(A-e)}{(1-e^2)}$. I can't seem to solve for $c_1$ without getting a real messy equation.

The answer provided is $y(x)=e^{1-x}$. My question is is there a different way to get this answer? How do I tackle this?

Best Answer

The trick is to rewrite the functional as $$ J[f]~=~\int_1^2 \! \mathrm{d}x~(y^{\prime}+y)^2~\geq~0. \tag{A}$$

Clearly a solution to $$y^{\prime}+y~=~0 \tag{B}$$

would minimize the functional (A). If we combine the first-order ODE (B) with the boundary condition

$$ y(1)~=~1\tag{C} $$

we get the sought-for solution

$$ y(x)~=~e^{1-x}. \tag{D} $$

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