Algebraic Geometry – Exterior Power of a Tensor Product


Given 2 vector bundles $E$ and $F$ of ranks $r_1, r_2$, we can define $k$'th exterior power $\wedge^k (E \otimes F)$.

Is there some simple way to decompose this into tensor products of various exterior powers of individual bundles?

I am interested in the case when $F$ corresponds to the twisted line bundles $\mathcal{O}(k)$.

Best Answer

In the special case when $F$ has rank $1$, the canonical homomorphism $$ (E\otimes F)^{\otimes k}\to (\wedge^k E)\otimes (F^{\otimes k})$$ induces a homomorphism $$ \wedge^k (E\otimes F)\to (\wedge^k E)\otimes (F^{\otimes k}).$$ This is because for all $u\in E$ and all $v_1, v_2\in F$, we have $(u\otimes v_1)\wedge (u\otimes v_2)=0$ (locally $v_i=a_ie$ with $a_i$ scalar and $e$ a basis, so the exterior product vanishes locally, hence vanishes globally). Now again locally (when $F$ is the trivial line the bundle), this homomorphism is clearly an isomorphism. So it is an isomorphism globally: $$ \wedge^k (E\otimes F)\simeq (\wedge^k E)\otimes (F^{\otimes k}).$$

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