[Math] Express real number in exponential form

complex numbers

Express $ z=-32 $ in exponential form.

My reasoning:

  1. $ z=-32 $ is the same as $ z=-32+0i $

  2. Exponential form should look like $ z=Re^{\theta i} $

  3. $ R =\sqrt{(-32)^2 + 0^2} = 32 $

  4. $ \theta = \tan^{-1}(\frac{0}{-32}) = 0 $

  5. So answer becomes: $ z = 32e^{0i} = 32 $

But, obviously, $ -32 \ne 32 $

What am I missing?

Best Answer

Since $z=re^{i \theta}$, with $r\geq 0$, you must have $|z| = r$. So $r=32$. Then you need to solve $-32 = 32 e^{i \theta} = 32 (\cos\theta + i \sin \theta)$. Since the imaginary part is zero, you must have $\theta = n \pi$ for some integer $n$. Choosing $n$ to be odd gives all solutions, since $\cos n \pi = -1$ iff $n$ is odd.

Consequently $-32 = 32 e^{i n \pi}$, where $n$ is odd.