[Math] Exponential growth precalc population

algebra-precalculusexponential function

The population of City A increases by 8% every 10 years. The population of City B triples every 120 years. The two cities had equal populations of 10,000 residents each in the year 2000. In what year will city B have twice as many residents as city A?

Best Answer

Here are the relevant formulas you need. $t$ is measured in years, and $t=0$ corresponds to the year 2000. $A(t)$ represents the population of city $A$, and $B(t)$ likewise for the other city.

$$A(t)=10000e^{k_1t}$$ $$B(t)=10000e^{k_2t}$$

Now, find the constants $k_1, k_2$ using the data you were given. Then, solve the equation $$B(t)=2A(t)$$ This is an equation entirely in $t$, after you've plugged in $k_1, k_2$. You may solve it by taking logs of both sides and rearranging. Find the value(s) of $t$ that make this hold. Then, translate to a year by adding 2000.

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