[Math] exponential generating functions containing an even/odd number of cycles


How to derive the exponential generating functions that having an even/odd number of cycles?
And how to define a bijection between them? Is there any example of this? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Minor correction to the answer by joriki, If you are counting permutations with an even number of cycles, then there is one for $n=0$ but not for $n=1$, and for odd number of cycles it is the opposite. Therefore for the even number of cycles you get $$ \frac12(1-x+\frac1{1-x}) = \frac12\times\frac{2-2x+x^2}{1-x} =1+\frac12(\frac{x^2}{1-x}), $$ and for odd numbers of cycles you get similarly $$ \frac12(-1+x+\frac1{1-x}) = \frac12\times\frac{2x-x^2}{1-x} =x+\frac12(\frac{x^2}{1-x}) . $$